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Power Your Learning With New HP LIFE Features

19 October 2023

We are delighted to let you know about two new features that will help you get even more out of the HP LIFE program.

Showcase your skills with HP LIFE badges

Complete all the courses in a category to earn a category badge.

Celebrate this achievement by sharing the badge in your social networks or via email and earn an HP LIFE Ambassador badge.

Visit your dashboard to check out this fun new feature.

Get the latest program news with the HP LIFE app

Update your profile settings to opt in to receive notifications and be the first to hear about our new courses, app updates, and program news.

If you haven’t already, download the app now.


HP LIFE is a free business skills training program. It can be accessed online via the HP LIFE platform and mobile app, as well as offline through Learning Equality’s Kolibri platform

The program gives people all over the world the opportunity to learn in-demand skills and core business concepts—whether they want to enhance their education, start their own business, or secure a better job—by providing free, accessible training courses in eight languages.

It is also an adaptable educational resource used by trainers, educators, and mentors to enrich curricula, support business creation, and improve employability skills. HP LIFE is a program of the HP Foundation.