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Be Future Ready: Enroll in HP LIFE’s New Digital Business Skills Course

1 August 2023

HP LIFE’s new Digital Business Skills course equips students with the knowledge they need to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

Course overview

The course is packed with information that will help students understand the latest digital trends and the skills necessary for future career and business success.

As they progress through the course, they will learn what digital transformation means including how innovation is accelerating the digital economy, why now is the time to adapt, what the new job landscape looks like, and how they can prepare to be part of a future-ready, digitally adept workforce. They will also explore five key ways of working that are transforming how teams and organizations collaborate to achieve business outcomes.

Insight from industry experts helps students understand how the latest digital trends are transforming the world of business and a series of case studies provide examples of companies that are successfully adapting to this way of working. Practical exercises enable students to test their new-found knowledge while a downloadable glossary supports their learning.

Enroll in Digital Business Skills now to:

  • Learn about many of the fundamentals and key drivers of a digital economy.
  • Discover five digital ways of working essential to business transformation.
  • Explore key digital practices and tools.
  • Recognize various skills needed to succeed in the Digital Era.

The course is available now in English with Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, French, Hindi, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Portuguese coming online in October.


HP LIFE is a free business skills training program. It can be accessed online via the HP LIFE platform and mobile app, as well as offline through Learning Equality’s Kolibri platform. The program gives people all over the world the opportunity to learn in-demand skills and core business concepts—whether they want to enhance their education, start their own business, or secure a better job—by providing free, accessible training courses in eight languages. It is also an adaptable educational resource used by trainers, educators, and mentors to enrich curricula, support business creation, and improve employability skills. HP LIFE is a program of the HP Foundation.